
Sunday, January 27, 2013

A1 Sample Thesis Statements

 1. Through my childhood experiences I have gained a very affectionate view of the natural world, as well as an intense desire to protect it. Reading the works of Aldo Leopold and Thomas Berry, I was very surprised to find that their views were extremely similar to my own. In particular, Berry’s nostalgic love of the nature, and Leopold’s humbling views of mankind’s role in the universe are attitudes I have myself gained through my own experiences in the natural world.

2.  While Leopold believe that there exists a “land ethic” for environmental awareness and preservation to protect future human survival, Berry sees that there is more to nature than its resources; there is a connection between nature and spirituality-“the meadow across the creek.”  After my retreat experience at Holy Family Ranch, I realized that religion comes not only from teachings and rituals, but also from the interaction with the tranquility of nature itself.  Since religion is spiritually dependent on nature, it is a religious and social responsibility to shelter the environment from harm.

3. I am a child of the urban environment. Gritty cities have been my meadows; the unending brilliance of artificial lights has lit up my nights and made me feel less alone. I have known the beauty of mountains and oceans, but the human landscape has always been my refuge. As such, architecture has defined the way I view mankind’s relationship with the natural world. It is our way of shaping it, of conquering it, so why not better that relationship by striving to make it one of equals, of mutual give-and-take? Creating a land ethic and extending the worth of the environment beyond that of mere property would allow progress to continue responsibly. However, as Aldo Leopold puts it, society takes action only when that action has economic value. Environmental consciousness is costly, and, sadly, this very cost is our greatest obstacle towards achieving sustainability.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

A1 Heuristic Task and Reading Response Question

Hey folks.  Happy holiday weekend.  Two things:

1) Remember that for Wednesday, 1/23 you need to put together a heuristic list compiled from concepts and/or terms from your own diagnostic plus those of at least two of the three assigned A1 readings.  Remember also the goals of this combined list:

--Make it messy;
--Make it longer than you think it needs to be;
--Then highlight 5 contrasting ideas, 5 consonant ideas, and identify 5 subordinate relationships among the terms/concepts on your combined list.  In other words, find these 15 kinds of intersections between your ideas and the concepts in the readings.

2) Then, in a short comment to this post (one paragraph or so) respond to the following questions: 

How do Neass' ideas relate to Leopold's?  Where are they similar?  How do they differ?  What is the biggest idea from the readings that you hope to incorporate into your own A1 response?  

***This response is due by noon on Monday, 1/21.  Make sure your full name is at the bottom of any blog posts or comments.  Thanks.